Mrs. Lingle's Neighborhood

Updates of what's going on in my neighborhood

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

36w5d Picture

So, the baby has dropped. I feel huge and plan on living in these pants forever.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Progress Repport

How far along?: 36w4d
Total weight gain: A lot. About 20lbs.
How big is baby?: My guess would be around 6.5lbs or so
Maternity clothes: Of course :(
Stretch marks?: Unfortunately. It's like they struck in full force overnight a couple weeks ago
Sleep?: Not so good. I am pretty tired a lot of the time
Best Moment this Week: Hmm...I guess realizing that our little guy will be here so soon and doing our hospital tour on Sunday
cravings: Still the tea. LOVE that stuff.
Labor signs: Not too much to speak of; A few contractions that weren't painful. 1cm and 50%effaced
Belllybutton: Still flat. I don't think it's going anywhere
What I miss: This week, I really want to sleep on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: Getting things ironed out and ready at work, hearing about my leave and meeting my little Braylan!